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Your favorite local supplier of almost everything!

300 Acres Veteran Flag
SDVOSB Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

300 Acres, LLC was founded in August of 2010, in part by Nick Shaffer.
Today, 300 Acres, LLC is wholly owned by Nick, and he supplies local Farmers and Truckers (among others) with several products for their operation(s).
We are committed to providing the highest quality products to you. We may not be the cheapest products around, but we strive to source the best products for your operation. Currently we stock hundreds of different products, but we have access to tens of thousands. If you're looking for something specific, give us a call... chances are, we can get it. Currently we have 2 part time salesmen, and one part time hired man, and are always looking for more help.
We are proud to be Veteran owned, Firefighter owned. and Locally Owned.


The history of where the name 300 Acres came from.

Depending on how much time you have, this section will be split into the short version, and the long version.

The Short Version
300 Acres was the best name that Nick and his previous partner could come up after a few barley pops.


300 Acres is about 14 Million square feet.

The Long Version

To get to the roots of our name, we need to go back another 7 years before the official start of 300 Acres. Back then, Nick was into naming things (every vehicle had a name prior to that point), and he had just bought an acreage that (obviously) needed a name. The acreage is only 2 acres, and Nick wanted to do a play on that somehow, but 2 Acres just sounded tiny. So after much thought (or probably not that much thought), 2 Acres added a couple 0's and became 200 Acres. Nick had a design business at that time called GD Designs, and he changed the name of that business to match the name of his acreage. Then, in 2010 when Nick was approached to partner up with another local seed dealer, they brainstormed for hours trying to come up with a name. Adding 100 acres, and becoming 300 Acres was the best name that Nick and his previous partner could come up with after a few barley pops.


So there you have it. We never said it was an exciting story, but it's a story nonetheless.

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